Benefits of working in Goedhart
Working at Goedhart provides you a job with a future. The better you do your job, the more opportunities you will get to grow in function and salary! Borgesius Goedhart has a positive work environment and a good company culture. They value teamwork, open communication, respect for employees and a healthy work-life balance.
More advantages for working in Goedhart you find below:
Structural Hours
- At Goedhart, employees work between 30 and 38 hours per week, including weekends.
- You can let us know your preference for either day shifts or two shifts.
- Every Friday, you’ll receive your schedule for the following week, giving you plenty of flexibility to plan your free time.
- Overtime first 2 hours Mon- Fri will be paid 125%
- Overtime after 2 hours Mon- Fri will be paid 150%
- Overtime on Sunday will be paid 200%
- Mo-Fri (00.00 till 06:00 and 22:00 – 24:00) will be paid 134%
- Saturday 00:00 – 18:00 will be paid 134%
- Saturday 18:00 – 24:00 will be paid 200%
- Starting salary is €14,06.
- As a Machine Operator you will start with €15,69.
- As a foreman/woman you will start at €16, 23 euro/h
- If you need accommodation we will provide this for you.
- We will accommodate you as close as possible to Goedhart.
Career Opportunities
- Possibility to receive a contract at Goedhart
- Possibilities to grow within the Goedhart organization.
- Possibilities to lead a team as a frontman/woman
Some pictures of Goedhart to give you an better idea
At Goedhart we all help each other and I love it!
Steluta Frone